Tech research and ethics, data visualization, UX/UI design, and writing professional.

Graphics Reporter Portfolio


Graphics Reporter Portfolio

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Trump Tax Calculator

Within five hours of The New York Times’ breaking story about Trump’s tax returns, my collaborator Kyle Ogilvie and I created a tax calculator to show how much more the average American pays in taxes compared to the President. Nearly 24 hours later, the Biden-Harris campaign put up their own tax calculator.

Skills used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe XD

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Best Places to Work Rankings 2018

In 2018, I oversaw an overhaul of seven websites owned by the Partnership for Public Service, including a massive cleanup of their Best Places to Work rankings. For the release of the 2018 rankings, I managed the data upload to the website, created custom graphs, and debugged errors along the way. The Partnership has used the same system since my work (done in collaboration with 4Site Studios on back-end development).

Skills used: HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL management


Other: How Mixed Race People are Categorized in America

Many people have turned my racial ambiguity into a guessing game, and it inspired me to try to codify this particular phenomenon into a map. Inspired by hand-drawn personal data visualizations such as Dear Data by Georgia Lupi and Stefanie Povasec, I mapped 20 years of U.S. Census data on mixed race people on top of the countries where people have guessed I’m from and the words they often use to ask about my heritage.

Skills used: mapping, data research and cleaning

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How Far They Traveled

For a weekly assignment in my Data Visualization class, we were given a dataset on Titanic survivors and told to pick one element to visualize. I focused on the start and intended end locations of the passengers on the ship. Using Python, I cleaned the data and converted city names to geolocations, then used Carto to show the routes these passengers took to the crash site, as well as the routes they would’ve taken had they made it to their destination.

Skills used: Data research and cleaning, Python, Pandas, Carto


Predicting Wikipedia Toxic Comments

For my Machine Learning class, I used an ensemble model of my classmates’ and my work in order to predict with 90% accuracy whether a comment was toxic or not. I built custom features and used a Support Vector Machine model in my original work, then combined it with my team’s own features and models to see the results.

Skills used: Python, machine learning

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Are cereals with healthy words actually healthier?

Given on week with a dataset on cereals, I created a bubbleplot of cereal types alongside their fiber content and Consumer Reports ratings. My goal was to see whether cereal with words like “fiber” or “total” in their name corresponded to actually healthier cereals. This was my first time programming with D3.js.

Skills used: JavaScript, D3.js

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Recreation of Malevich’s Suprematism

For my Computational Form class, we were told to choose a famous artist and recreate their work through computation. I chose Kazemir Malevich’s Suprematism (1915) and used random values to create a composition in his style that generates randomly every time you click.